Our Directors are passionate, committed and focused on ensuring we accomplish our objectives. They are responsible for our company’s corporate governance and strategic direction. Under our Constitution the Board is made up of between six and nine Directors.

Up to five directors are elected by shareholders who are suppliers of livestock to the company. Up to three may be appointed by the board.



Silver Fern Farms Co-operative is pleased to announce that nominations are open for one vacancy on the Board in 2025. 

Current Farmer-Elected Director William Beetham will retire by rotation at the Annual Meeting, and has advised he will be standing for re-election.

Directors of Silver Fern Farms Co-operative are responsible for setting the Co-operative’s corporate governance and strategic direction. Silver Fern Farms Co-operative owns 50% of Silver Fern Farms Ltd, in partnership with Bright Meat Group.

To be eligible for this role, candidates must be a current shareholder of the Co-operative and have supplied a minimum of 400 stock units to Silver Fern Farms for each of the last two years. Nomination forms must also be signed by two shareholders who meet the same criteria.

Nominations close at 12.00pm on 3 March 2025.

If you are interested in obtaining more information or would like an application form, contact Shareholder Relations Manager Clark Taylor at clark.taylor@silverfernfarms.co.nz, or call 029 914 5060.

  • Anna Nelson – Chair & Farmer Elected Director
    Anna runs a 1450ha breeding and finishing block in Aria with husband Blair (Munta), and in-laws Jon and Kaye. Anna is originally from Cheviot and has a veterinary degree from Massey University. As well as 10 years at a vet practice in central Waikato, she has also been an Associate Director at Beef + Lamb and is currently a catchment coordinator at King Country River Care. Anna was appointed Chair of Silver Fern Farms Co-operative following the Annual Meeting held in May 2024.
  • Adrian Ball - Farmer Elected Director
    Alongside his wife Pauline, Tirau farmer Adrian runs Dennley Farms, a 196ha fully integrated dairy and dairy beef finishing farm supplying finished cattle to Silver Fern Farms. He is also the Chairman of Rahinga Dairies in Dacre, Southland.
  • Rob Hewett - Director (Independent)
    Rob became the Chairman of Silver Fern Farms in December 2013. He was elected to the Board in February 2008. Rob retired as Co-op Chairman at the May 2024 Annual Meeting. Subsequently he was appointed by the Co-op Board as an Independent Director for a term of 12 months. Rob is Co-Chair of Silver Fern Farms Limited.
  • Tim Gibson - Director (Independent)
    Tim Gibson joined the board April 2020 and is a current Director on the Boards of Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC), Miraka Limited, and Port Otago Limited.
  • Gabrielle Thompson - Farmer Elected Director
    Gabrielle graduated from Massey University with a Veterinary degree in 2000. Gabrielle developed her own companion animal clinic in 2004, growing to five clinics around the lower South Island over a 10-year period before selling these clinics to a nationwide company.
  • William Beetham - Farmer Elected Director
    William graduated with a Diploma in Farm Management from Lincoln University. He has had a 10-year professional career spanning agricultural consultancy, integrated land management, systems development and commercial business management, working in New Zealand, England and Australia.

2023 Annual Meeting

The Co-operative's Annual Meeting for the 2023 Financial Year was held on Wednesday 8 May 2024. 

Watch the video, including a company update from Silver Fern Farms Ltd, at the link below.